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Established in 2012, the International Association of Pao Fa Lien Wing Chun (IAPWC) offers non-commercial martial arts classes with the goal of advancing the practice of Pao Fa Lien Wing Chun. The organization provides a credible and efficient means for the community to learn and uphold this art form.
國際刨花蓮詠春協會,創立於2012年, 所舉辦之國術課程,旨在推廣刨花蓮詠春拳之藝術,培養社會大眾對研習刨花蓮詠春拳之興趣,亦為有志之仕,開闢正確國術修習之門徑,修養身心,冀國術文化得以保存。
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